Thank You for Your Support — and Say Hello to Haroo!

As Arizona Gives Day comes to a close, we want to thank you for your incredible support. We are grateful to you, our incredible community who helped make full use of these generous offers. We are incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by such a dedicated and passionate community.
Of course, watching the animals grow up is one of the greatest joys of the Zoo. Haroo the Grevy’s Zebra foal is growing big and strong. He is already an incredible striped ambassador for his endangered species.

Because of you, Reid Park Zoo is able to provide our community an incredible Zoo, support groundbreaking conservation efforts worldwide, and provide exceptional animal care. You make Reid Park Zoo, and we look forward to continue growing and growing up with you. Thank you.
Thank you again for your incredible support. We are grateful to Sharon Foltz, a longtime Zoo supporter, who offered to match up to $1,000 in donations made today — and to you, our incredible community who helped make full use of Sharon’s generous offer. We are grateful to be supported by such a dedicated and passionate community.