Teaching our Tower
The herd is learning together! Denver the giraffe is now comfortable learning next to her newer herd members, Penelope and Sota. Check out the video below of the three learning together in an… more ›
The herd is learning together! Denver the giraffe is now comfortable learning next to her newer herd members, Penelope and Sota. Check out the video below of the three learning together in an… more ›
Time for a meal with the African wild dogs! The pack recently received a feast of whole meat items complete with fur and bones. Eating together in this manner helps strengthen pack bonds!… more ›
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Reid Park Zoo’s giraffe herd has grown by two! Reticulated giraffes Penelope and Sota have arrived at their new home in Tucson from Como Park Zoo & Conservatory in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Penelope… more ›
Throwback to Nandi and Penzi playing in the mud on this hot day in August! Now at 6 months old, Penzi is a little more coordinated than she used to be, but sometimes… more ›
Look at those paws! Grizzly bears’ front claws are around four inches long and are used for digging into dirt, logs, shrubs, and snow. You can see that the claws on their back… more ›
Though cats are obligate carnivores, small amounts of grass consumption are perfectly safe and sometimes fun to play with! Bella the jaguar didn’t actually consume very much of this umbrella grass in her… more ›
The monarch butterflies are here! Our new native milkweed plants are already going to good use just a few weeks after planting. We are overjoyed to see pollinators enjoying our new garden!
Giraffes like Denver have a specially adapted tongue and mouth that allow them to eat thorny branches without getting poked. They also have thick sticky saliva that coats any thorns consumed to protect… more ›
Leslie the king vulture is showing off a behavior called “rousing,” which is when a bird lifts and shakes their feathers. One reason for this behavior is to reorganize out of place feathers… more ›