Conservation Partners and Projects
Your visits and support of Reid Park Zoo make it possible for the Zoo to be actively involved with conservation programs around the world. Here are the projects we are working on with our colleagues now:
Tanzania Conservation Research Program
Reid Park Zoo has had a personal relationship with Charles and Lara Foley over the two decades. Their in-situ conservation efforts related to African elephants have been inspirational. Over the last few years, they have been working to create habitat corridors for elephants to move outside the park as they search for water and food. They have found new ways to collaborate with local people and create a community-based approach to protect the elephants. To date over 2 million acres of habitat around the Tarangire National Park have been protected.
Click here to learn more about how you can help protect wild elephants.
Anteaters and Highways Project
The largest remaining populations of giant anteaters live in the grasslands and forests of Brazil’s Cerrado habitat. This habitat is being disrupted due to rapid agricultural development and the building of roads. Giant anteaters are one of the animals that are most frequently involved in car accidents. The Anteaters and Highways project works to provide a better understanding as to why this is happening and works to prevent anteater roadway mortality. Follow them on Facebook .
Kids can learn more about how Zoo’s are helping conserve anteaters by listening to the story, “Why Did the Anteater Cross the Road.”
Baird’s Tapir Survival Alliance
The Baird’s Tapir Survival Alliance works to ensure the survival of the Baird’s tapir in the forest habitats they live in throughout South America. The main threats to the survival of Baird’s tapirs include unsustainable hunting, retaliatory killings for crop-raiding, habitat destruction, road development, and global climate change. Working in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama, the BTSA is working to reduce tapir poaching and develop conservation actions, such as patrols in areas of known tapir poaching, and environmental education in communities that coexist with tapirs. Follow them on Facebook. To learn more about the BTSA, please watch their short documentary.
Tiger Conservation Campaign
Worldwide, tigers are found in less than seven percent of their original range and are threatened by habitat loss and degradation, poaching, tiger-human conflict, loss of prey, and other factors. Four of nine subspecies have disappeared from the wild just in the past hundred years and the Amur, Sumatran, and Malayan tigers are all thought to number fewer than 500 individuals in the wild. Click here to watch a short video about the work Reid Park Zoo is supporting to protect Malayan tigers.
University of Arizona – Biodiversity, connectivity, and impacts of anthropogenic barriers on vertebrate communities in protected areas of the southwest borderlands
This study will conduct vertebrate biodiversity surveys and assess the impacts of border-related disturbance on both sides of the US-Mexico border, including the Chiricahua National Monument. Few studies have directly monitored space used by vertebrates to understand how wildlife use natural corridors and respond to border-related disturbances and barriers; this information can be used to inform conservation on both sides of the border. During this study, black bears will be fitted with radio collars so that their movements can be tracked. Since black bears are large-bodied animals, they will be used as a model to assess animal movement and response to human activities. Reid Park Zoo is participating in this study by providing funding and assisting with bear health assessments while the bears are fitted with radio collars.
International Rhino Foundation
Working to protect all 5 rhinos species, the International Rhino Foundation focuses on protecting habitat, anti-poaching and building community relationships throughout rhino habitat in Africa and Asia. You can join “Team Rhino” by staying up to date on rhino news by following the IRF on Facebook.
Lewa Wildlife Conservancy
Established in Kenya in 1983, Lewa was the first private rhino sanctuary is East Africa. From an intial 15 black rhinos to over 250 rhinos today Lewa is a model for successful conservation programs that support may species and community support through community development and education programs. This robust ecosystem supports not only black rhino but the endangered Grevy’s zebra, elephant, lion, cheetah, giraffe and more. Lewa Wildlife Conservancy was the staff nominated conservation program to receive funding for 2024.
Komodo Survival Program
In anticipation of the Zoo’s Pathway to Asia expansion, the Zoo is working with the Komodo Dragon SSP Conservation Fund to support the Komodo Survival Program in Indonesia. This program works with the Indonesian government by monitoring the population of Komodo dragons throughout the 5 island they inhabit. Their work has provided important information about the lizards to ensure their future survival.
SAFE Program – Saving Animals from Extinction
Reid Park Zoo has joined forces with fellow Association of Zoos and Aquariums facilities to help save animals from extinction. Each SAFE (Saving Animals from Extinction) program highlights a species that is in immediate need of assistance. By focusing the collective expertise within AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums, and empowering our massive audiences, we can achieve the goals of all of the SAFE programs. To learn more, please visit: Reid Park Zoo is partners with the following SAFE programs: