Anteater Naming Contest
Celebrate your love for these unique, ant-loving animals by learning more about them and how you can help the Zoo’s conservation partners protect them in the wild. Below is a list of resources and activities to explore!
Anteater Naming Contest (for school groups only)
Help name a baby anteater! The Anteaters and Highways Project, one of Reid Park Zoo’s conservation partners, is working to learn more about giant anteaters in South America. To do this, they use GPS tracking collars to see how giant anteaters move around their habitat. One young anteater is getting ready to leave his mom, Poly, and will be fitted for his own GPS tracking collar, but first, he needs a name! Please click on the link below to submit your class’s name suggestion. His name will be selected by the research and education team of the Anteaters & Highways Project and announced in January 2024!
Naming Contest Rules:
- One name submission per class
- Must include a message of why your class chose that name
- Entries must be submitted by December 19
Follow the Anteater
Check here for updates on how the young anteater is doing, where he is traveling, and to find out what name was chosen for him!
Anteater Lessons and Activities
Learn about Anteaters – fact sheet
Videos that Explore Anteater Adaptations:
Video on how anteaters are adapted to eating ants
Video of an anteater using its powerful claws to dig
Video of an anteater eating using its long tongue
Anteater Conservation and Activities
Conservation Activity from the Anteaters and Highways Team
Videos about Anteater Conservation:
Video about the Anteaters & Highways Program
Video about Reid Park Zoo’s role in supporting anteater conservation