Penzi’s New Skill

Penzi has mastered an important new skill! She’s using her trunk to bring water to her mouth to drink. While elephant calves get almost all of their water and nutrients from nursing, these additional fluids are important for staying hydrated in these hot summer months!
Hydration is extra important for Penzi right now, as she continued to experience diarrhea over the last week. Her diarrhea has slowed in recent days and she has been responding well to antibiotics. Still, she is spending the hottest parts of the day in the elephant barn with her mom and the elephant care team is keeping an extra close eye on her. We are happy to report that her demeanor is as bright and energetic as ever! Keep an eye on the elephant Zoo Cams in the morning for your best chance to see her running through her habitat, playing with her big sister, and enjoying the cool morning air.