Zoo FriendZ

Be one of our most invested supporters by becoming a ZooFriendZ member. This group of annual donors are committed to helping sustain the Zoo’s essential role in animal conservation, education programming, animal care, and the continued growth of Reid Park Zoo. With an annual gift of $500.00 or more you will be a member in one of the following ZooFriendZ giving circles:
Advocate – annual gifts of $500 -$999
Protector – annual gifts of $1,000 -$4,999
Champion – annual gifts of $5,000 -$9,999
Gilbert G. Aguirre Circle – annual gifts of $10,000 and above
In appreciation of their contribution to the vitality of our Zoo, all FRIENDZ levels receive:
- Complimentary one-year Gold membership providing free admission for you, your family, and guests
- Invitation to Behind the Scenes tour
- Invitation to the annual FRIENDZ reception
- Personal invitations to special VIP events at the Zoo
- An exclusive “insiders” newsletter from the Zoological Society’s CEO & President
Aguirre Circle Members are invited to an annual Aguirre Circle Event and receive a logo zebra pin.
Make an Annual Gift of $500 or more!
Make a Monthly Gift of $42 or more!
“Your generosity is helping us to make Reid Park Zoo a world-class attraction, and an
extraordinary place for adventure and learning in our community. We are most grateful
for your support – thank you!”
Nancy J. Kluge, President Reid Park Zoological Society
For more information, please call Reid Park Zoological Society office at (520) 881-4753 or email development@reidparkzoo.org