Reid Park Zoo to Break Ground on Pathway to Asia Expansion
Reid Park Zoo is excited to break ground this week on the long-awaited Pathway to Asia project. The 4.5-acre expansion that will showcase the ecological diversity of world’s largest continent and bring new animals to the Zoo including red pandas, Komodo dragons and sand cats, among others. Importantly, Pathway to Asia will also bring tigers back to Tucson, positioning the Zoo as a conservation and breeding center for these majestic big cats.
Located at the site of the Zoo’s old parking lot, Pathway to Asia is the most significant addition to the Zoo since Expedition Tanzania in 2012. The project is expected to take two years to complete and is made possible, in part, through a voter-approved sales tax initiative in 2017 to fund Zoo improvements and enhancements.
As guests wind their way through lush pathways and ancient Asian temple ruins, they will connect with some of the most endangered and threatened species in Asia, discovering efforts to protect and sustain them and how they, too, can get involved. In addition, the project will include a dedicated reptile house, an interactive aviary with exotic pheasant-feeding experience, and an indoor event pavilion that will seat 250-guests with views into several animal habitats. Each habitat in Pathway to Asia is being carefully designed to fit the needs of its specific animal residents, providing the animals with comfort, choice and control.
“Pathway to Asia will truly enhance Reid Park Zoo as a place of learning and discovery for our community, and further the Zoo’s role as a national leader in conservation,” said Nancy Kluge, Reid Park Zoo President & CEO. “We want to thank Tucson voters and the many private donors who are making this amazing new addition possible and for all the improvements they are helping bring to the Zoo. We are accomplishing so much together, and building a bright future for the Zoo.”
Directions to the New Parking Lot and Zoo Entrance
The new parking lot is accessible from Lakeshore Lane as well as Randolph Way. To access the lot from Randolph Way, follow the road as it curves from North to West. The entrance to the new lot is directly beside Hi Corbett Field. To access the new lot from Lakeshore, take the turn directly North of the Adaptive Rec Center