Plastic Free Ecochallenge: Get Started

Plastic pollution is trashing the planet, but you can be part of the solution this July to help the Earth and its animals.
Single-use plastics are products such as plastic bags, food containers, and water bottles designed with the intention of only being used once, then thrown away. Annually, around 380 million tons of plastic are being produced.
Join Reid Park Zoo in taking on the Plastic Free Ecochallenge this July! As an incentive, Reid Park Zoo is offering the member of the public who joins their team and scores the highest on the team’s leaderboard during the challenge a behind-the-scenes tour.
Plastic Free Ecochallenge Sign Up
Need some inspiration?
Here are some tips from the Reid Park Zoo staff and volunteers do everyday to refuse single-use plastics:
“I bought a new glass to use at Starbucks! So that will save at least 5 plastic cups a week.” – RPZS Receptionist Mel

“I wanted to share a thing my family does to help cut down on plastic waste. We have transitioned to reusable baggies for packing lunches and snacks!”
– Animal Care Specialist Ashley

“Ask for no straw in your water when going out to eat.”
– Director of Education and Conservation Jennifer

“At home, I use a reusable water bottle and water pitcher to avoid one-time-use water bottles from ending up in landfills. By doing this, we can reduce unnecessary plastic use, recycle one-time-use bottles, and reuse our water bottles.”
– Zoo Crew Volunteer Gia
“An easy way to start cutting out plastics is at the grocery store! I take reusable shopping bags and reusable produce bags with me when I go. I also get meat at the counter and ask for them to only put it in paper, this cuts out plastic and styrofoam. Another easy thing to do is switch to glass containers for milk and juice, and if all else fails cardboard.”
– Animal Care Specialist Katy