You’re Invited to an Online Film Premiere!

The Baird’s Tapir Survival Alliance, supported in part by Reid Park Zoo, collaborated with a dozen regional conservation organizations to create a video highlighting the initiative for Baird’s tapir conservation. You won’t want… more ›

World Lizard Day 2020

Today is World Lizard Day! Reid Park Zoo is home to three lizard species and countless other wild lizards that enjoy our Zoo grounds. Our bearded dragons are wonderful ambassador animals and are… more ›

Peafowl Stealing the Show

Who runs the Zoo? Peacocks! When it’s breeding season our peafowl want all eyes on them. They aren’t afraid to make sure the camera knows who the real stars are!

A Calm Moment With the Lemurs

Here’s another calming video with our fastidiously groomed ring-tailed lemurs. Don’t forget about our live lemur Zoo Cam where you can watch these lemurs throughout the day! Our Zoo Cams can be great educational tools — see… more ›

What is a Caruncle?

What is that orange dangly thing on top of our vulture’s beak? Many bird species have fleshy growths hanging from their head or neck called caruncles. King vultures have a unique caruncle attached… more ›

World Lion Day 2020

Today is World Lion Day! This holiday is important for highlighting lions’ conservation challenges and the need to Protect the Pride. Wild lion populations have decreased by 90% in the past century from… more ›