Peafowl Shed Their Tails

Just like that, peafowl breeding season is over! The peacocks are now all shedding their beautiful tail feathers to prepare to grow new ones for next year’s season. All birds molt their feathers,… more ›

Trumpeter Hornbills Growing Up

The trumpeter hornbill chicks have fledged the nest! In early August three hornbill chicks left their log nest along with their mom, Nancy. This video shows the progression of Nancy and the chicks… more ›

Anteater Discovers a Rotting Log

Nico the giant anteater has encountered an anteater delicacy: an old rotting log! Anteaters use their long claws and strong forelimbs to rip into logs like this in pursuit of delicious insects.

How Giraffes Browse on Tree Leaves

Did you know that giraffes are ruminants with four stomach chambers? This complex digestive system helps them break down tough materials like leaves. One step in their digestive process is to regurgitate food… more ›

World Goat Day 2020

Today is World Goat Day! Enrichment doesn’t always have to be complicated! A simple way to make a head of lettuce more entertaining for a goat is to just stick it into the… more ›

Startling Starling Expressions!

Golden-breasted starlings have very bright, light-colored eyes that are sure to catch your attention! This unique eye color combined with their arched brows makes it look like they have some wild expressions!