Meet Miss Earth Day – Terra, the tamandua!

Reid Park Zoo is working with the Southern Tamandua SSP® to place several of its tamanduas and to continue breeding based upon the SSP® recommendations. Education Supervisor Jennifer is an education adviser for this vital program. Though not on exhibit, Zoo tamanduas make regular appearances during education programs and formal presentations. They also go for informal walks with the animal care staff on zoo grounds!
Tamanduas demonstrate many fascinating adaptations, and give staff an opportunity to talk to the public about responsible pet ownership and protecting habitats. For many guests, these presentations are a first encounter with these fascinating creatures. Tamandua provide a great opportunity to really capture the hearts and minds of Zoo guests while empowering them to help wildlife around the globe.
See Terra “star” in the Star – CLICK HERE!
See Terra in ZooBorns (squee alert) – CLICK HERE!
Our educators are helping write books for children around the globe – including one on tamanduas! Read the one they worked on about armadillos – CLICK HERE!