Free Workshop: Why Preparing a Will is Important
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
6:00 pm — 7:30 pm
It’s Never too early to plan ahead! Learn why preparing a will is so important.
Don’t forget to take care of the important things in life. Planning for the future ensures your family, friend or favorite charities will be taken care of no matter what happens. A will helps you voice your values, relieves your family of the burden of trying to guess your final wishes and prevents confusion.
Please join us for a free workshop with a top estate planning attorney! The Reid Park Zoological Society, together with The Drawing Studio, Humane Society of Southern Arizona, and Youth on their Own, is offering free workshops on updating and creating a will. The following are dates and locations of the workshops. Refreshments will be served.
Thursday, March 7th,11:00am – 12:30pm. Presenter: Mark Rubin. Location: Youth On Their Own at 1660 N. Alvernon Way
Thursday, March 14th, 8:30-10:00am. Presenter: Kay Richter. Location: Humane Society of Southern Arizona at 635 W. Roger Road
Tuesday, March 19th, 1:30 – 3:00pm. Presenter: Kay Richter. Location: The Drawing Studio, 2760 N Tucson Blvd
Tuesday, March 26th, 6:00-7:30pm. Presenter: Denice Shepherd. Location: Reid Park Zoo at 3400 E Zoo Court, in the Zoofari Cafe
Workshops will fill quickly! To reserve your space, Register Today!