DreamNight 2024
Saturday, September 14, 2024
6:00 pm — 8:00 pm
Reid Park Zoo invites you to be a part of the wonder and joy of DreamNight at the Zoo!
On Saturday, September 14, Reid Park Zoo is hosting DreamNight! DreamNight is a one-of-a-kind, private event for children with specialized health care needs, children with chronic illnesses, and children with disabilities, as well as their parents and siblings. This event is for these children to experience an evening of fun and learning in community with other families, free of charge. DreamNight at the Zoo originated at the Rotterdam Zoo in the Netherlands and is now held at over 300 institutions in 35 countries.
Special activities for 2024 DreamNight include:
- Animal Encounters
- Zoo Keeper Chats
- Arts and Crafts Activities
- Face Painting and Glitter Tattoos
- Carousel Rides
- Interactive Docent Stations
- Fire Truck (provided by Tucson Fire Department)
- Café and Gift Shop will be open
- Commemorative Photo
- Pictures with intergalactic characters, superheroes, pirates, and princesses
- And so much more!
History of DreamNight
The concept for DreamNight at the Zoo originated in 1996 at the Rotterdam Zoo in the Netherlands when animal keeper Peter van der Wulp acknowledged how rarely children diagnosed with cancer were able to visit the zoo. Peter knew that the families of these medically frail children often had other expenses to meet, had difficulty finding the free time to visit and the obstacle of being stared at or dealing with people’s reactions were reasons to stay away. In response to these dilemmas, the Rotterdam Zoo developed an event where these children and their families could have a relaxing and fun experience at the zoo and Peter’s idea has spawned a worldwide phenomenon.
Currently, there are over 300 institutions in 35 countries that participate by hosting DreamNight at the Zoo and Reid Park Zoo believes that this event is one small way to give back to the Tucson community.
Please reach out to Sara Bird, Senior Event Specialist at 520-837-8223 or sara.bird@reidparkzoo.org for any questions or how you register to attend the event.
Thank You to the Following Organizations
for Participating!