Welcome to Reid Park Zoo’s online press room, designed to give media current information on Zoo conservation work, new exhibits, special events, births, and more. The press room provides information, including press releases, coordination of Zoo experts for interviews and speaking engagements, fact sheets, downloadable videos, photos, logos and requests. 

Media Inquiries & Information

Reid Park Zoo’s marketing and communications department is available to assist with story development and logistics for working news media, travel journalists and influencers. We can also coordinate on-site photography and video requests, as well as provide digital images for story use. The Zoo maintains an extensive library of photos and videos that are available for members of the media at no charge for use with proper credit and stories about our organization.

News Coverage

All media requests are handled through the Zoo’s Marketing and Communications Department by contacting:

Chelo Grubb

Marketing and Communications Supervisor

Office: 520-837-8178


Deborah Carr

Director of Marketing and Communications

Office: 520-837-8255


We ask that you provide as much notice as possible before coming to the Zoo so that we can make your time here as efficient as possible. Reid Park Zoo can also come to your site for a media interview. Please note that the only animals that can be brought off grounds are our education animal ambassadors, pending availability. 

Videography & Photography Requests

All Zoo visitors can take photos and video for their private, personal use only. Video and photos must be taken from public viewing areas and must be a minimum distraction for out guests, staff and animals. 

The Communications Department handles requests to come to the Zoo for photography and videography shoots, whether it is commercial, private, or media-related. Unless the work is directly promoting the Reid Park Zoo, the Zoo does ask for a donation to support the nonprofit Reid Park Zoological Society. Use of our photos and videos must align with our organization’s mission and is subject to a fee.

The Zoo receives the right to deny usage and materials requests for any reason.