Penzi’s First Year: A Celebration of Her Life and Birthday
Saturday, April 3, 2021
Free Zoom Virtual Presentation
Her birth during the pandemic inspired hope, and you’ve been following her story and each milestone all along the way. Tucson’s big baby is turning 1 this April, and we are celebrating in style on Saturday, April 3 to honor Penzi while turning the spotlight on elephants everywhere.
At 2 p.m., Zoom with Cassie and Jed Dodds for a virtual presentation of Penzi’s First Year! where you can share her story and see how she learns and interacts with the elephant care team.
What is the first year of an elephant’s life like? From her first steps to her latest skills, hear from the elephant care team and watch her grow during this retrospective event. Now tipping the scales at more than 1,000 pounds, Penzi has done a lot of growing in her first year! This event is free. Donations are appreciated and benefit the Zoo’s elephant program and conservation fund.