Why Having a Will is important

March is annually recognized as Write a Will Month to recognize the importance of having your estate plans in order. While no one wants to think about their death, not having plans in place could leave your loved ones in a serious predicament. It could mean your state government determines what happens to your assets, property, and children.
Everyone needs an estate plan. An estate plan helps you plan for your desired retirement. An estate plan helps you ensure your wishes are followed after your death and that your family and others important to you are secure. An estate plan gives you a lasting legacy.
If you have a will or trust, it is a good idea to review it to see if it still meets your needs especially if you’ve had a change such as a marriage, divorce, death, birth of a child or if applicable tax laws and IRS rulings have changed.
Join Reid Park Zoo for a Why a Will Virtual Workshop with attorney Denice Shepherd on Wednesday, March 31 at 5:30 p.m. She will discuss other advance planning documents which are more important than ever, including advance directives, health care powers of attorney, and financial powers of attorney.
Did you know you can include Reid Park Zoo in your estate plan? In some circumstances, charitable gifts in estate plans can provide a benefit to the family member beneficiaries of an estate by reducing tax liabilities. Whether or not it results in a benefit to your family, a testamentary gift to Reid Park Zoo creates an important legacy by preserving your commitment to wildlife and conservation into the future.
Contact Gail Brown at gail@reidparkzoo.org for more information on Reid Park Zoo’s Legacy Circle