Reid Park Zoo Project Update

Reid Park Zoo this month is all about getting ready for ZooLights! Santa’s workshop is getting the last finishing touches and lights are going up all over the Zoo! This update does not have a lot of changes as we continue to move forward with getting permits.
Sloth Habitat
The new sloth habitat that will be in the South America area will begin construction soon as permits are approved. We expect to have a schedule for you at our next update.
Angel Charity for Children World of Play
The excavation of the site to prepare the earth for construction will be complete by Thanksgiving and then the electrical, plumbing and storm drains will begin being laid out and installed.
As a continued note on construction:
For Zoo guests: The Zoo’s Conservation Learning Center is open – come inside to view the bearded dragons, green tree python, and poison dart frogs while watching short features about the Zoo and conservation heroes. The presentation circle is closed during construction as it is transformed into a Nature Play area. Construction will continue to be noisy at times outside the Learning Center.
For Park guests: There will continue to be traffic with large vehicles and equipment at times on Lakeshore Lane during construction.
Thank you for your patience!
New Parking Lot
The new parking lot for the Zoo, Edith Ball Adaptive Recreation Center (ARC), and Reid Park, is expected to begin construction once permits are issued. This parking lot will be located where the Maintenance Yard for Parks and Recreation has been. There will be an increase in parking available combined with about 100 trees that will be planted as a part of the project.
Below is the latest drawing so that you can have an idea of the space.

Pathway to Asia

The design development drawings are complete for Pathway to Asia and we are in the process of finalizing construction drawings. One of the areas we discussed in detail in the past month was the habitat for the fruit bats that will be in the Tropical Discovery Center. These highly social little mammals are vital pollinators and seed dispersers in their ecosystem. Fruit bats are also called ‘flying foxes’ from their dog-like face with their bright eyes to their pointy, expressive ears. We are ensuring the bats will have plenty of spaces to roost, the ultraviolet light is just right, and humidifiers are in place to give them the right environment.
This is just one detail of the research and evaluation that goes into every animal habitat ascertaining that each of the Zoo’s animals has the best care and most enriching environment to ensure they are healthy and thriving at Reid Park Zoo.
That’s all for now! We will continue to keep you informed on our progress and hope to see you at the Zoo and at ZooLights soon.