Celebrating 2 Years of Penzi and Growing Up with You
This week is full of celebrations. Tomorrow is Penzi the African elephant’s second birthday. Tipping the scale at 1,890 pounds, this not-so-little elephant is such a joy to watch grow up. These days she loves watermelons and fruit punch as a special treat, is starting to grow tusks, and is still unsure about leaping in the big elephant pool.
She spends most of her time with her big sister Nandi — the first elephant born in Arizona, who will be 8 years old this summer. Nandi has grown up before our eyes, and gracefully grown into the role of big sister to Penzi. You can join us this weekend to celebrate Penzi’s birthday with sweet treats and lots of fun activities.
Every member of the herd is an impactful ambassador for their species, helping those who visit the Zoo connect with wildlife, discover how magnificent elephants are, and inspire them to explore what can be done to support conservation efforts happening worldwide.
That brings us to the other reason today is special. Today is Arizona Gives Day, an annual spring celebration of giving to nonprofits in our state. We can’t thank you enough for being a friend and supporter of Reid Park Zoo. We are honored that the Zoo has had a place in many people’s hearts for decades, and love watching members of our community — elephant and human alike — grow up.
Would you consider making a donation today to support Reid Park Zoo? Your support truly makes an impact, is fully tax-deductible, and helps sustain the Zoo for generations to come.